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Reiseinformationen Montenegro

Travel Information for Montenegro

As a Central European visiting the country on the border to Albania, you need to get used to it a bit. The remains of the heyday are visible everywhere, the "golden years" under Tito, as the locals call them when the fields were all well cultivated and everyone had work gone long ago. Today many people are unemployed and young Montenegrins are trying their luck in the EU or overseas. Much is neglected and the residents don't take it very seriously when it comes to throwing away rubbish. One must be aware of this when traveling to Montenegro. Nevertheless, there is construction work visible everywhere, and many new hotels and houses are built, but any small things that Central Europeans decorate their towns with are given less importance.

It can also happen that there is no water coming out of the tap for a few hours because someone is working on a water pipe somewhere in the city or there might even be a power failure. Everything works a bit differently there. It is therefore always advisable to keep a few Euros in reserve because it is possible that no ATMs are running due to a power failure and then no PCs are running at the bank either. In such a case you will have no chance to get any money(!). I experienced this myself and was glad that I had unconsciously taken precautions. By the way, you got it right, the Euro is used to pay in Montenegro. Although this would not actually be possible according to   EU specifications, Montenegro simply introduced the Euro. Of course, that makes it easier for us but it will be a problem if Montenegro would join the EU.

In Ulcinj, there is a lot of accommodation available be it in hotels or apartments. Some of them are very nice and of a high standard, some less but very cheap. You have to register when you arrive and fishing licenses have to be bought. prior to unbarking. Even for fishing from the beach, you need a license. If you want to organize everything on your own and without local help, you can easily make mistakes and this can be very expensive in the end because of how much you need to pay at the end of the day is anyone's guess ... and in Montenegro, it is easily dependent on the one who catches you doing something wrong. This is for sure the wrong thing to do only to save money in Montenegro, which is already cheap. If you want to drive a boat on your own, you need a skipper license if the motor is stronger than 5 hp.

Finally something very positive. The Montenegrins are a peaceful people and the crime rate is low, probably significantly lower than in most EU countries. So it is a safe travel country. The only well-known crime in the country is corruption. You can eat and drink very well in Montenegro, plentifully, and, above all, it is cheap. Rental cars cost approximately EUR 35 per day and EUR 30 per day for two or more days. You can hire them at the airport or sometimes from the host of your hotel. This allows you to explore the area independently. In summer, however, it can take hours to drive through Ulcinj by car. A scooter is then the better choice. If you're anxious, skip the rental and let us pick you up at the airport. This is included in the fishing packages.

Brilliant fishing and very good care
Last but not least, and that's what matters: Saltwater fishing can be awesome if you arrive there at the right time. The climate changes at the moment and so the fish migration is affected, too. Commercial fishing has increased within the last few years. More and more nets can be seen. The fish you catch is yours. So you can decide if you want to release them or take some home with you. Please do not give the fish to the boatman if you have no use for it. This would be tantamount to selling out the waters, as buyers are everywhere. It can also happen, that your guide will not show up the next day because the money he received for the fish he meanwhile has sold to a restaurant is enough for him and he will therefore find an excuse to stay at home.


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