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Trips for saltwater fly fishing

Saltwater Fly Fishing

A must for those who like the sun and fantastic fights!

Saltwater fly fishing is booming and without any doubt if you have tried it once you will love it! Moving slowly on a crystal clear flat and stalking big fish is amazing.

You cast to them and if you do everything correctly they will show interest in your fly. If they finally take it and run this is not to be compared with any run of fish of the same size in fresh water at all. It is just unbelievable what power e.g. a bone fish can generate and with what speed they run into the backing. There are many places around the world where you will have good opportunities for saltwater fly fishing and you may easily convince your wife to join you. More or less everyone loves the sun and the sea especially the hot spots for fly fishing. Most of the best fly fishing destinations are in the Indian Ocean and in the Caribbean. I have fished Cuba, the Seychelles, Mauritius, Antigua, Barbuda, Sri Lanka, Guatemala, the Red Sea, La Gomera as well as the waters of Western and Eastern Australia. Many of these destinations I fished multiple times, but there are still many more spots on my bucket list. Of course I also fished the Danish, Dutch and Swedish coast line as well as the Adriatic Sea and the Mediterranean, but I prefer the sight fishing on the flats in the warmer regions.

bonefish cuba feuerstein
Giant Tarpon Günter Feuerstein saltwater fly fishing
Sight fishing Giant Tarpon - first class flats fishing in Cuba

Fly Fishing Destinations

Fly Fishing Cuba
Fly Fishing Cuba
Fly Fishing Australia
Fly Fishing Guatemala
Fly Fishing Guatemala
Fly Fishing The Seychelles
Fly Fishing The Seychelles
Fly Fishing Mauritius
Fly Fishing Mauritius
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