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The Una Riverside Lodge

The answer to the demand for a higher standard lodge

Situated at a banks of a top hucho pool the new Una Riverside Lode is targetting customers with a higher demand in regard of comfort and safety. A comfortable fishing holiday right at the river banks paired with a certain degree of comfort is wanted by the majority of travelling fishermen.

The already existing lodging and fishing possibilities in Bosanska Krupa are not everybody's' thing. They are neither situated at the banks of Una nor are the available boats really inviting, because they hardly meet the lowest safety standards. This is reason enough to go through the fault list and solve the problems by building a new comfortable lodge by this wonderful river.

The new Una Lodge (opening in March 2019) will set new standards. It is situated at the banks of the river Una in Bosanska Krupa at a very promising hucho pool. The guests will be accommodated in a new established lodge, with central heating, a nice kitchen, a day room, a large sanitary area and an open fireplace at the terrace. In front of the lodge a nice swimming pool will make the stay of the visitors even more enjoyable. The guides live in the house next to the guest buildings, so a good exchange between guests and guides is possible at any time. The Lodges' new hard shell boats with several safety chambers are broader and much more stable than the small wooden boats of the locals used by other suppliers.  Safety is a very important factor on a mighty river like the Una ... especially in winter.

Visit Bosanska Krupa!

Bosanska Krupa with its cafes, restaurants, shopping possibilities and small alleys invite for a visit. Wellcome to Bosanska Krupa! The inhabitants are very friendly and happy to see guests. Your guides will drive you to town and accompany you on demand. You can of course cook yourself during your stay, however, you do not need to, because a well known restaurant owner and cook from Bosanska Krupa is responsible for the meals of the guests of the Una Riverside Lodge.

Pre-Booking request

Copyright © Günter Feuerstein