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The Krusnica

A small but fine spring creek with lots of fish.

If fly fishing the large Una river is too difficult for you or if its water does not fit the small Krusnica in Bosanska Krupa is a good alternative.

The Krusnica is small, but on the first few hundred metres it is a very fine spring creek. The lower part is deep and slowly moving. Krusnica joins the Una in Bosanska Krupa. The little river is full of fish and benefits from a rich insect life. Krusnica  emerges from a rock column and the average flow is a few m3 per second. So it can be perfectly fished with the fly rod.

Nice trout, graylings and also Danube salmon are abundant there. The upper part below the source is perfect for sight fishing, too.  The lower part however is more difficult to fish. It is several metres deep, slowly moving and therefore best fished with the streamer. Huge trout live there too. Catching them is not that easy. As the faster moving part of the river is very short it experiences a high fishing pressure. As the Krusnica is mainly stocked with adult browns, the fishing in Krusnica is not too difficult. Endemic wild trout and Danube salmon prefer to hunt at night.

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