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Switch Cast and its best form the Magic Switch developped by Günter Feuerstein international fly casting pro from Austria

The Magic Switch (Cast)

originator: Günter Feuerstein

The Magic Switch - Basic Technique

Here I perform the Magic Switch at the River Thur in Switzerland. See how easy and obviously with not much power application this cast can be performed. The video is in German only.

Wie Profis werfen - Günter Feuerstein - Magic SwitchTechniques

To be seen on the DVD of the special edition 20 of Fisch & Fang " So wirft man die Fliege" on chapter 5 "How professionals cast". First is was published in Sedge and Mayfly in 2005 and the latest publication was in Russia's leading fly fishing magazine in 2008.

Copyright © Günter Feuerstein