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The River Svētupe

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Of its total of 47 km approximately 30 km is within Salacgrīva municipal territory. The second most prolific river in the Salaca River Basin, it is connected to the River Salaca by the Jaunupe River (canal).

Fish species most preferred by anglers -  brown (brook) trout, sea trout*, chub, dace.


The River Vitrupe

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33 km in length, 7km within Salacgrīva municipal territory and not directly connected with the Salaca Basin. However, as one of Latvia’s salmon rivers it is significant in maintaining the region’s diversity and expanding its recreational angling possibilities.

Fish species most preferred by anglers - sea trout*, brown (brook) trout, chub, vimba.

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The mouth of the Salaca at the Bay of Riga, located within;the Muunicipality of Salacgrīva. The mouth of Svētupe is approximately 8 km south of Salacgrīva, and that of Vītrupe approximately 12 km.


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One of three lamprey weirs in the Salaca at Salacgrīva – continues as a commercial lamprey fishing spot and is regarded as a unique cultural monument – the only place where commercial fishing is permitted in the Salaca.



* In accordance with “Rules of Angling” of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations Nr. 67 (13.02.2001), catching of Salmon and Sea Trout is permitted only in locations where licensed angling is permitted (para 17.3.).




The Bay of Riga

files/ffi/pictures/Dest/Latvia/salacgriva/more rivers/bay_of_riga.jpg

Fish species most preferred by anglers –

salmon*, sea trout*, perch, ide, vimba, smelt, eelpount.

Copyright © Günter Feuerstein