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Salmon Fishing in Latvia



In Salacgriva City and its Rural Territory




Angling is a most popular form of recreation and active relaxation in Latvia, including Northern Vidzeme and the rivers of Salacgrīva City and its rural administrative territory as well as the shore areas of the Bay of Riga.
Salacgrīva has devised a development concept for an integrated near and long term plan for fish management and the protection and controlled utilization of fish resources.  This has been developed by the Council of Salacgrīva and its Rural Territory in cooperatin with the Council’s Angling and Fishing Consultation Board and the public organization “The ‘Salackrasti’ Anglers’ Club”.

At its emotional core, the program is tied to the historically traditional Latvian mores with respect to nature. It also considers local cultural traditions, the interests of the population and the potential for creating a greater variety of employment opportunities in recreational angling in the Salacgrīva municipal territories. It also calls for devising a model for fish resource protection and developing necessary infrastructure. The aim is to create a stable and naturally functioning economic development plan for the Salacgrīva municipality and the well being of its people.

Licencing of anglers is to be introduced gradually in the waters of Salacgrīva and its Rural Territory. This is not to be considered as an end in itself, but rather as a means for implementing professional management of angling and protection and renewal of fish resources in the Salaca River Basin and the Bay of Riga shoreline areas.
The Salacgrīva municipality’s experience to date shows that fish resource protection and utilization control is 99% dependent on the involvement and cooperation of the local population. In the Salacgrīva municipal territory this is regularly accomplished by 16 persons authorized by the Council for fish resources in 2003 in accordance with applicable regulations. These are members of the Anglers’ Club “Salackrasti” in cooperation with the inspector from the North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve, the manager of the Salacgrīva division of Maritime Ecology and the inspectors of the Valmiera Regional Environmental Agency. This is a unique example of fish resource management in Latvia today.

The Council of Salacgrīva and its Rural Territory welcomes cooperative endeavors from supporters and potential partners within and outside Latvia.
This information bulletin is published by the Council of Salacgrīva and its rural territory to provide information about angling possibilities in the Salacgrīva municipality now and in the near future.


Copyright © Günter Feuerstein