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salaca fishing regulations

GENERAL RULES (we take no guaranty for actuality of the rules)

for the licenced angling in the Salaca River within the administrative territory of Salacgrīva City and its Rural Territory


The Angling of Salmon and Sea Trout

Licenced angling of Salmon and Sea Trout in the Salaca River within the administrative area of Salacgrīva City and its Rural Territory is permited in approximately 12 km of the lower reaches of the Salaca River – “The Wild Salmon spawning National Index River of Latvia”. 

Angling of Salmon and Sea Trout in 2004 is permited only in the Spring Season - 28th March – 15th May and only from the river banks.

Licenced angling of Salmon and Sea Trout is permited in three zones:

“A” zone - day: 7 (licence limit: 15 per day),

“B” zone - days: 2-7 (licence limit: 15 per day),

“C” zone - days: 2-7 (licence limit: 15 per day).

Each of zones is approximately 4 km with many rapids and pools.

The price of day licence – Ls 6,- (approx. 9,- EUR)

One (day) licence gives the rights daily to land one Salmon or one Sea Trout on one licence per day. Angler has the rights daily to buy two licences and to land two Salmons or two Sea Trouts per day.


Angling on Mondays in the Spring Season is prohibited in the entire river.

Angling methods - only traditional spinning and fly-fishing are permited, using only one spinning or fly-fishing rod and using only artificial bait with single, double or triple hooks. Worms and all types of non-artificial bait, ground angling and angling from boats are strictly forbidden.

Salmon less than 60 cm and  Sea Trout less than 50 cm must always be released.

Landed fish should be killed immediately and registered (weighted and measured) on the day of catch at the Licence Sales Office in Salacgriva, Valmieras iela 7, Hotel “Brīze” and only after this has been done the fish become the property of the person who caught it.


“Catch & Release” Angling of Salmon and Sea Trout.

“Catch & Release” angling of Salmon and Sea Trout in the Salaca River within the administrative area of Salacgrīva City and its Rural Territory in the “A(K)” zone is permited only from the left bank of the Salaca River on days: 2-6. In the same time the conventional angling of Salmon and Sea Trout in the “A” zone is permited only from the right bank of The Salaca River in the “A(L)” zone on days: 2-6.

Licence limit: 30 per the Spring Season.

The price of season licence – Ls 30,- (approx. 45,- EUR).


Angling methods – only traditional spinning and fly-fishing are permited, using only one spinning or fly-fishing rod and using only artificial baits with single barbless hook. Other artifical bait with double or triple hooks may not be placed in the angler’s tackle boxes.


Fish weighing is prohibited.

Fish releasing from the hook and measuring is permited only in the period of 30 seconds.


Data from 2003, show Latvian record catches in the Salaca River are:

Salmon – 10.4 kg, 103 cm (2002)

Sea Trout – 7.76 kg, 108 cm (1999)


The Angling of other species of fish

Angling of other species of fish is permited:

1.      in the Spring Season – 9th March – 31th May,

2.      in the Summer Season – 1th June – 30 th September,

3.      in the Autumn – Winter Season – 1 st October – 14th February 2005.


Angling in the all these seasons covers approximately 12 km of the lower reaches of The Salaca River and is not devided in zones as for angling of Salmon and Sea Trout.


The Cabinet of Ministers 13.02.2001. regulations No.67 “Rules of Angling”give angler the right to land the following fish:

pike, ide, brown trout, rainbow trout, tench, asp, chub, whitefish, burbot, vimba, pike - perch, eel – maximum 5 from each species


In the Salaca River within the administrative area of Salacgrīva City and its Rural Territory angler has the right to land no more than a total of 5 kg of any fish not included in the list.


Angling in the Spring Season:

Only float angling is permited and only from the banks of river using two rods and any kind of bait.

The price of day licence – Ls 2.50 (approx. 3.75,- EUR)

The price of season licence – Ls 7  (approx. 10.5,- EUR)

Angling in the Summer Season:

All kinds of angling is permited only from the banks.

All kinds of angling standing in the water and angling from boats is permited 1th June – 31st August. Spinning from 1st October is prohibited.

The price of day licence – Ls 1.50 (approx. 2.25,- EUR)

The price of season licence – Ls 4  (approx. 6,- EUR)


Angling in the Autumn – Winter Season:

 All kinds of angling is permited only from banks. Spinning is permited. During the ice period ice fishing is permited from the ice.

The price of day licence – Ls 2 (approx. 3,- EUR)

The price of season licence – Ls 7 (approx. 10.5,- EUR)


Regardless of weather the angler has caught or has not caught any fish, he must return the licence or both licences on the day of catch at the Licence Sales Office in Salacgrīva, Valmieras iela 7, Hotel “Brīze”.

Any person not complying with this requirement, will lose the right to purchase any type of licence for angling in the year 2005 in The Salaca River within the administrative territory of Salacgrīva City and its Rural Territory.

Every angler must purchase a Latvian “Angling Card”

Annual  “Angling Card” price – Ls 3,- (approx. 4.5,- EUR)

Quartely “Angling Card” price - Ls 1,- (approx. 1.5,- EUR)



Violations of rules for licenced angling in the Salaca River within the administrative territory of Salacgrīva City and its Rural Territory are controled by the inspectors of Environmental State Inspection and Valmiera Regional Environmental Board of the Environmental Ministry of Latvia and Salacgrīva City Council Authorities for Fish Resources. 

For information:



Council of Salacgrīva and it Rural Territory

Smilšu iela 9, Salacgrīva, Limbažu rajons, LV – 4033

tālr. 40-71793, faksa nr. 40-71993,

e-mail: dome@salacgriva.lv


Alvis Birkovs,The Specialist of Angling and Fishing Affairs


mob. phone (+371) 9285934


 Vidzemes iela 7 – 41                                               

 Salacgrīva, Limbažu rajons, LV – 4033                     

 e–mail: aija@salacgriva.lv                                           

 Oļegs Sumčenko                                                       

 Chairman of the Board                                               

 mob. phone. (+371) 9472663


Rīgas iela 10a, Salacgrīva,
Limbažu rajons, LV - 4033
phone: (+371) 40-71408
fax: (+371) 40-7140
e-mail: biosfera@biosfera.gov.lv



Hotel „Brīze”

Licence Sales Office

Salacgrīva, Valmieras ielā 7, Limbažu rajons, LV 4033

phone: (+371) 40 71717
mob. phone: (+371) 9355995
fax: (+371) 40 71101

e-mail: brize.hotel@appolo.lv



Copyright © Günter Feuerstein