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Harald Birkl photographer and fly fisher

Harald Birkl - fly fisher and photographer

My friend Harald Birkl (left) who died in 2019 was not only an excellent fly caster, but also an experienced photographer. He was constructing lenses for Wild Leitz(Leica) until 2000. After he retired he could be met streamside fishing for trout and grayling. He took the fly casting pictures and the pictures of the flies on my pages and in my nymph fishing book.

Hans Gebetsroither (right) from Gmunden/A has -unlike any other fly caster- determined the development of fly casting in Europe. His forefinger-on-top-grip which he developed in the late 1940ies paired with the elliptical movement of the casting arm and the shoulder joint as the elementary casting joint influenced fly fishers worldwide. In the stiles of most of the modern fly casters the main elements of the Gebetsroither Style (meanwhile known as Austrian Fly Casting Style) can be found and especially beginners benefit by making much faster progress. The Gebetsroither Style in his pure form is a dry fly style and some adaptions are needed if you want to use it for nymph fishing.

Harald Birkl and Hans Gebetsroither
Harald Birkl and Hans Gebetsroither
Harry fishing the Gmundner Traun below the Steyrermühler Weir
Harry the perfectionist!
Copyright © Günter Feuerstein