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At the Rheintaler Fliegenfischertag in Hohenems a nice amount of instructors as well as members showed up and enjoyed the weekend with a lot of fly casting, fly tying and of course chatting with visitors. Especially for the instructors the exchange was very important and some of them could also participate as assistant examiners in the basic instructor exams. Besides that, the visitors could also try to shoot with bow and arrow this time and had a lot of fun with it. Fly casting demos, outdoor cooking and workshops were hold the whole day long. The casting game was also mixed with funny other activities like throwing a safety bag to a target or to shoot an arrow on an 3D animal. Thewinner of this game was our member Gottfried Waidacher from Dornbirn.

A big surprise was presented to Wolfgang Fabisch. He was elected a lifetime member by the EFFA managing board and received a certificate and a little present for the long years he spent in the EFFA board and as examiner.

Allready the day before the official event about 6 candidates tried to pass the instructor exam. Four of them failed and one passed the paractical part. Only one did all in an allmost perfect manner. Arnold Gufler from Italy showed an excellent exam and passed all requirements and also the difficult didactical part.  Congratulations, Arnold!


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