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Having not seen any black stingrays in Tauranga Harbour and having only picked up a Kahawei from the wing of the only stingray I spotted in Collingwood I had already burried my dream to catch my first Kingfish. The weather was just not on my side as at both destinations it was raining and the sight was terrible. Being back in Sydney awaiting my departure to Europe Gavin asked me if I was keen to give it another try for Kingies in Sydney Harbour. He did not have to ask twice. 

So we met early in the morning at Point Wharf for some morning fishing as I had to be back at 10 am. Olli-Mikael Vaittinen from Finnland was joining us. There was not much wind so I was optimistic to get my chance. Right at the second cast to the first channel marker Gavin chose my chartreuse clouser was hit and the hard resistance pointed to the desired kingfish. Yeah, this was the feeling I was waiting for. These fish really fight like hell. A few minutes later my first Kingfish was landed. Then the tide slowed down and so did the fishing. So we cruised around to find some gulls. We soon saw some hunting Tailor and quickly picked a few. These little guys take just everything they can get into their mouths. So the slam was in reachable distance as I had already mastered the tough part. The luck was on our side as we ran into some really good surface action right next to the military base. I soon picked up another Kingfish until I finally ended up with two more Australian Salmon. The last one was even a double hook-up as Maxi got his first kingfish, too. Right after that I had to head to the hotel. It was a perfect final of my journey resulting in two Kingies, two Salmon and two Tailor.

Thanks Gavin, you finally made my first Kingie possible!

pictures: Gavin Davis, Günter Feuerstein

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