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professional fly casting G. Feuerstein

Fly Casting

Striving for Perfection

At the age of 16 when I started to practice and experiment with fly casting for hundreds if not to say thousands of hours on the lawn next to my parents' house I did not even dream that some of my creations would help thousands of fly fishers in the future to reach their target species easier and especially more elegant and with less power input.

International Fly Casting Survey

Fly casting has been analysed quite well especially within the last 40 years. This means that only very few new things will be added to our knowledge about this subject in the next years and decades. In Europe we have reached a very high level which will only allow very little further development, except the tackle would change dramatically. But we have to go on. This forward movement will be determined by the development of new fishing tackle and vice versa. There is also still a lot of space in between the different techniques which can be filled. Every single little piece of individuality will make the development continue. A reduction to only one stile is counterproductive, because it stops the possible enlargement of our fly casting horizon and does not regard the physical differences of our students. New materials used in our tackle and last but not least the different characters of our waters demand a style that is adapted to the situation. What does this mean for every single one of us?

We have to develop our own but biomechanically correct style of casting  which is adapted to our physical abilities and shows the best results for us. By doing this, stay open minded, to everything that is new, choose, but don't drop your own ideas if you find out that they will help you to improve. Be careful, open your eyes, try to see what makes sense and what is just show to attract attention! Perfection means reducing power and movements by getting still the same optimal results.

G. Feuerstein

Günter Feuerstein fly casting with Lefty Kreh
at a fly casting demo with Lefty Kreh in Montana/USA in 1995
Copyright © Günter Feuerstein