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highest level Flyfishing School

Flyfishing International International Fly Fishing School

The No 1 Choice of the Insiders!

Up to now fly fishers from 26 countries have attended at least one course at the Flyfishing International Fly Fishing School! That many can't be wrong.

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My Philosophy

"All techniques used world-wide have their deep sense because they were invented to handle very specific situations. If you use them in the right moment at the places they were designed for they are are usually better than others."

Günter Feuerstein

The Flyfishing International Fly Fishing School offers

Here you can jump directly to the courses.

The Way I Teach

Based on my philosophy about casting techniques and my huge experience in teaching fly casting I am not going to teach you a certain style, but I will show you how to use the different techniques in the right situation and according to your abilities. Because of the fact that I have taught many of Europe's best fly casting instructors at present time I know the things that are really important for success. These secret tricks you can only learn from a professional.

The most important thing is that you are able to see and correct even the tiniest mistakes. Especially for teaching high level casters this is a must. I really like that and I am constantly trying to improve my courses although many think they cannot be done any better. Therefore I offer all participants a money-back guarantee*

For Beginners up to Pros

I offer many courses on different levels. Even for very special problems there will be solutions, too. A special advantage for you is my mobility. If you can motivate a group of fly fishers to book me for a course, then I will come to your place. Of course this is no problem for a personal training, too. Just give me a ring and we will fix a date! EFFA members (minimum three years membership) receive a 10 % discount for the booking of a beginner`s course at the Flyfishing International Flyfishing School!

Always at the Pulse!

My courses are always up-to-date what techniques and teaching methods are concerned. The use of modern filming equipment and software provides the optimum of success for learning new casts. When learning something new it is of course also very helpful to feel good and relaxed. Well, they call me easy going. So you will definitely feel fine here!

Learn to understand nature!

Learn to read and understand the different waters and get to know their inhabitants! Only if you learn to be a part of nature fly fishing will be the ultimative experience. For me it is very important that you learn as much as possible about freshwater ecology and the complexity of our water systems. Only by knowing the rules of nature we can protect it in the best possible way and keep our waters healthy. Fly fishers are the guardians of the rivers and streams. Especially at fly fishing weekends this is a hot topic. We do not take any fish during course hours.

Masterclass fly casting  Guenter Feuerstein coaching a client
High level teaching is very demanding ... for both the client and the coach.

Fly Casting Courses

These Fly Fishing International fly casting classes are the only ones on the net with money-back guarantee. Have a look at the course calendar, check if a date suits you and book your fly casting course online. If you wish you can also book private fly casting lessons, guiding or you might even ask for a course at your location. Just let us know. We hope to meet you personally some day, meanwhile enjoy our pages!

Copyright © Günter Feuerstein