Have any Questions? +01 123 444 555

Javier Sanchez (ESP)

Javier Sanchez (ESP)

Javier Sanchez knows the waters of the province of Salamanca in Spain like his pocket. Besides his native language, Javier speaks English and French fluently. He is an excellent fly fisher and a very experienced guide. He knows everything about the fish and their behavior in the river and is very much into conservation. He loves to fish for difficult browns and is the host of a nice hotel that is perfect for fishing Rio Tormes. He has got licenses for different parts of the river depending on the week of your stay. He is the best choice for a guide for fishing Rio Tormes.

If you have any questions about guiding, fill in the form and send it back. If you are interested in some other sort of service, please let Javier know and he will see what he can do for you.

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