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Recommended Fly Fishing Guides

Fly Fishing Guides

A good guide safes you time and money at the same time.

A very experienced angler will always catch the desired fish. It is only a matter of time. Sometimes we can take the time, sometimes not. Depending on the size of the water, seasonal fish migrations, tidal influences, pond and release and sometimes even safety(mines) booking a good guide is the key to success. You might need him only for a day or you might enjoy being together with an experienced local guide to have some company throughout your stay.

My personal guide suggestions

Find here a list of fly fishing and fishing guides which I know well and which IMHO will be the best choice for you. I advise you to fish with them first of all at their home waters which they know best. Of course you can try to book them for other destinations, too, but a guide is always best at the rivers he fishes regularly.

Copyright © Günter Feuerstein