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Field and Fish

Field & Fish

A brand with a great philosophy!

Field and Fish is different in a very positive way. Not only is the brand very concerned about conservation, it unites the functionality prime technical outdoor clothing for fly fishers must have, very high quality despite a high percentage of recycled materials used in the production of the clothing and a very competitive price due to direct marketing.

When I decided to go for Field and Fish a my new sponsor for clothing it was not only the quality of the products that convinced, but also the philosophy that stands behind the brand. Field and Fish uses up to 50 percent of recycled materials for their high tech technical outdoor products. E.g. for a fishing jacket 18 recycled PET bottles are for used in the production.

All fabrics that are used are labeled with the Swiss Blue Sign Label, which is "a products solution for a sustainable textile production and eliminates harmful substances right from the beginning of the manufacturing process and sets and controls standards for an environmentally friendly and safe production". Ephemera SARL, the company behind the brand Field and Fish is also a member of the organization 1% for the Planet which means that 1% of the annual sales of the company is donated to approved nonprofit conservation organizations.

I am known to be very concerned about environmental issues, so I was very happy that Field and Fish agreed to sponsor me. I am indeed very happy with their products and estimate the high quality and the smart technical solutions.

Have a look at their products on the Field and Fish website.


Field and Fish Product Videos

Copyright © Günter Feuerstein