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FFI Film Productions

Flyfishing International
Fly Fishing Films

Where untouched nature meets perfection in fly casting!

Only a fly fisher knows what a fly fisher wants to see. Have a look at our self-produced films about different fly fishing destinations around the world. See fly casting pro Günter Feuerstein presenting his fly in an absolutely perfect way, catching beautiful fish in a wonderful surrounding and giving you advice about his favorite flies and fishing techniques. 

flyfishing international fly fishing films

Montana Magic

45 min. DVD, digital audio
language: German

Missouri, Blackfoot River, Ruby River, Rock Creek, Beaverhead River, Madison River

American Summer 1

65 min. DVD, digital audio
language: German

Idaho: Silver Creek, Big Wood River, Big Lost River, South Fork und Henry's Fork des Snake Rivers

American Summer 2

72 min. DVD, digital audio
language: German

Yellowstone Park mit Yellowstone River, Slough Creek, Lamar, Soda Butte und Firehole River sowie Gallatin, Beaverhead, Bighorn.

The Golden Triangle of Fly Fishing

The US Trilogy

183 min. 3 DVDs, digital audio
language: German

all three films about the Golden Triangle of Fly Fishing: Montana Magic + American Summer 1 + American Summer 2 (183 min!)

Silver Creek, Big Wood River, Big Lost River, South Fork und Henrys Fork des Snake River, Missouri, Blackfoot River, Ruby River, Rock Creek, Beaverhead River, Madison River, Firehole River, Yellowstone River, Slough Creek, Lamar, Soda Butte, Firehole sowie Gallatin and Bighorn River

Mit der Fliege unterwegs

Regenbogenforellen - Bekannte Unbekannte

Copyright © Günter Feuerstein