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The Curak has its beginnings under a high rock, from a spring called the Green Whirlpool - Zeleni vir ( because of its color). For seven kilometers its whole flow (7km) runs through a beautiful wooded canyon. One part of the canyon is a special geomorphological reserve called Vražji prolaz -Devil's Pass, where there is also a cave called Muževa hiža -The Husband's House. The banks of the Curak stream are covered in dense forest and the stream is very unique. It contains grayling and brown trout. If you enjoy fishing on small streams, the Curak stream will be a real challenge and a memorable experience for you. By purchasing a daily license you can also fish on the Kupa and Kupica. Only fishing with one flyfishing rod and one fly is allowed. Only barbless hooks are allowed. All flyfishing methods are allowed.

Guiding - information

Milan Kupresanin is your best choice for a guide in northern Croatia. He lives in Zagreb and can reach the rivers within a short time.


The best place to stay for fishing Gacka is the Gacka Hotel.

The information about this river was provided  by Milan Kupresanin. Thanks a lot Milan for joining us fishing some of the beautiful Croatian waters!

Copyright © Günter Feuerstein