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Underhand Fly Casting Course (double hand) Mod 1 + 2

Location: Diepoldsau (CH)

Unterhand Wurfkurs für Fortgeschrittene Feuerstein

Date: April 27-28, 2024  fully booked
Location: Diepoldsau (CH)
Costs: CHF 320.- (EFFA members and students CHF 300.-)


not included:

  • Accommodation is facultative. You can either arrive on the day before or in the morning before the course starts). If you want me to book a room for you please let me know.

Fishing Tackle:

If you need a special fly fishing tackle, I can get everything for you on demand. Just send me an E-Mail with your wishes and I will make you an offer.



Itinary (may slightly change):

Day 1:

You will learn how to use and control a double-hand rod without using much power. You will be taught the Underhand Casting technique which is the best and most versatile technique in double-handed fly casting. Especially when using double-hand equipment a power-saving technique is important.

After this day you should be able to cast with your double-hand rod in basic situations at the river (average distance). You get some ideas about how to present a fly and how to set up your tackle. The choice of fly line, fly, and leader will be discussed as well as the basic terms which you have to know. This sounds like a lot for only one day but it is possible. 

Day 2:

We will improve our double-hand fly casting technique. As in module 1, we will mainly work with the Underhand Casting technique although you will get an idea about the differences between the UH and other fly casting techniques. Snake Roll Cast, Snap-T, Long Line Technique, and Spey Cast will be discussed as well as special mending techniques to slow down or speed up the fly. You will learn how to cut a shooting head and will be told when to use which type.

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