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Course Reader

Practical Fly Fishing Course - Alpine Rhine Valley

Location: Feldkirch (AT)

Date:  June 1-2, 2024

River I'll (AT)
fish species: brown trout, rainbows and occasionally grayling
participants: 3-5

Course Content:

We learn basic techniques for dry fly fishing, nymph fishing and streamer fishing

  • daily course time 5 hours, then fishing on your own

This is not a course about Czech Nymphing!

What you will learn:

  • how to read waters
  • advanced nymph fishing techniques
  • how to fish dry flies
  • basic streamer techniques
  • which tackle to chose
  • major casts for nymph fishing (roll cast, magic switch, dunker)
  • basic enthomology


5 persons:  CHF 400.- /person
3-4 persons : CHF 450.-  (person (3 persons minimum)

*not included:

  • fishing exam required to purchase a fishing license
  • daily fishing licence
  • accomodation and meals
  • transport from your home to the location

Accomodation: optional (www.booking.com)


Special Remarks:

Fishing in rivers always depends on the weather. Increased water levels, cloudiness, etc. can negatively affect the fishery. These factors are unmanageable. Should the river Ill in Austria not be fishable on the course weekend, we will move to a different water nearby that offers better fishing opportunities. 

The fishing at the river Ill is usually promising in spring and fall and on the weekends, because the water level is usually low. During the week it can be high due to pond and release. We will see.

The aim of the course is the correct presentation of the dry fly, the nymph and the streamer, choosing the right tackle, leader length, rigging, ... and of course the reading of the water. We will also talk about entomology and how to match a hatch. The course is designed for those fly fishermen who want to learn how to fish nymphs in medium to large sized waters. If the numerous tips are implemented, then the catch success sets in very quickly. The goal is the technique, the catch is the crowning addition. A little bit of luck and a good reaction are also required to succeed with the nymph. A big fish is usually the reward for a good observation, the correct "reading" of a water, the knowledge of the local food chain and above all, endurance. For safety reasons, we generally fish without barbs during the course times, even if the fishing license does not require fishing barbless. You will receive a detailed plan for the course after registering.

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