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Course Reader

Fly Casting Course for Beginners - Single Hand Rod

Location: Diepoldsau (CH)

Flycasting Course for Beginners (single hand rod)

beginners course fly casting Günter Feuerstein

This is a course for beginners and slightly advanced fly casters. During the two days of the course you will learn the basic fly casting techniques which are necessary for being successful with the fly. During breaks and in small seminars you will receive important advice about fly fishing, reading waters(where to find the fish) and entomology for fly fishers. Of course you will be filmed during the course and we will analyze your casting errors in the group.

Date: March 2-3, 2024  Fully booked!
Location: Diepoldsau (CH)
Costs: CHF 300.-* (EFFA members with 3-year membership receive a 10 % discount for the booking of a beginner`s course!)

*not included:

- Accommodation is optional(you can either arrive in the evening prior to the start of the course or early in the morning before the course starts). If you want to book a hotel close to the location, I can do it for you.

- fishing licences, in case you want to fish after the course(during the course no hooks are used because of security reasons)

Fishing tackle:

Tackle can be rent for small money. If you need additional tackle, I can get it for you.

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