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Fly Casting Course for Advanced Fly Casters SH

Location: Diepoldsau(CH)

Fly Casting Course for Advanced Fly Casters (single hand rod)

slightly advanced fly casters:

We will deepen the basic casts which are necessary for successful fly fishing first. After that, you will learn or improve the double haul. This is necessary to go on with a few important trick casts. During breaks and in small seminars you will receive important advice about fly fishing, reading waters(where to find the fish), and entomology for fly fishers. Of course, you recognize your casting errors during our video analyzing sessions. This is a good means to improve your casting and become an even better fly fisher.

for advanced fly casters:

Bow casts(horizontally and vertically), parachute casts, the Magic Switch cast, Snap-T, Snake Roll, and improved roll casts as well as less known personal casts can be learned which can improve your success in fly fishing dramatically and will make you fly fish with less energy and more comfort. I will also teach you my improved double haul, especially the backhand double haul (GF power haul) which will enable you to cast much longer distances. Because I have developed this way of hauling I know exactly what to be done to make you learn it quickly. A good double haul is necessary prior to learn it.

Advanced Flycasters Course 1

Date: March 16-17, 2024

Location: CH-9444 Diepoldsau

Costs: CHF 350.-


*not included:

Accommodation is optional(you can either arrive in the evening prior to the start of the course or early in the morning before the course starts). If you want to book a hotel close to the location, I can do it for you.

Tackle can be rented for small money. If you need additional tackle, I can get it for you. Just send me an e-mail and I will make you an offer.

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