Have any Questions? +01 123 444 555

General Business Conditions

General Business Conditions

The participation at courses, guidings or fly fishing trips offered or managed by the UFC© Fly Fishing School is at your own risk. We disclaim liability for property damage or injuries of any kind which are caused by participants.

After registering for a course half of the charge fee has to be transferred to one of our accounts. By doing this the registration is made definite. The rest of the course fee has to be paid at least four weeks before the course starts. If a participant cannot take part the advance will only be paid back if he cancels the course not later than four weeks before the event takes place.

FFI Fly Fishing School reserves the right to cancel or to move any courses at any time without specifying the reasons. If a course is cancelled all the pre-paid money will be paid back. FFI Fly Fishing School is not liable for any other costs or circumstances connected with the cancellation or the change of date of a course.

Each participant has to wear an eye protection device (sunglasses, optical glasses or equivalent) during the course.

Filming or photographing during the course disturbs the learning progress. Therefore participants are not allowed to take pictures or film during the course (except group pictures at the end).

During the course the participants might be filmed from time to time for making a later video analysis possible. By attending a course of  FFI Fly Fishing School  the participant agrees to allow the owner of FFI Fly Fishing School to use this video material for future teaching purposes or video productions.

By transferring the advance or paying the whole course fee the participant agrees to the general business conditions of the FFI Fly Fishing School and puts them into action against him.

Flyfishing International Fly Fishing School
owner: Günter Feuerstein
Neudorfstrasse 63
CH-9463 Oberriet
mobil int: 0043 676 9166661
mobil CH: 076 3293098


Copyright © Günter Feuerstein