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Brett Wolf (Exmouth, WA)

Brett Wolf is the most renowned fly fishing guide in Exmouth and the father of the bonefish hype that made hundreds if not to say thousands of fly fishers travel to the remote spot at the Western Australian coast to fish for the round jaw bonefish Brett found on the flats around Sandy Bay about a decade ago.

Ningaloo Flats

He sold his lodge in Tasmania to be right next to the Australian bones and started fishing operations in Exmouth about 10 years ago. Brett knows the Ningaloo flats in regard of fly fishing possibilities like nobody else and will bring you to the fish. Australian bonefish are not too easy to spot as they feed in about 1.5 m of water. And they grow huge exceeding 5 kg. You need a boat to find them - and good eyes, too.

The Gulf

Brett also knows the secret spots in the gulf. He is operating on both sides of the peninsula making him independent from the sometimes nasty wind. The gulf is even better for snub nosed dart as the Aussies call the their permit and there are many more species worth to target there. Contact Brett well in advance as he is usually heavily booked.

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Brett Wolf Exmouth
Copyright © Günter Feuerstein