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A Drift Inside

A Drift Inside

In October my friend Göran Andersson was my guest in our house in Switzerland for ten days. Two days before he visited us he came back from The States. So he arrived with many fresh memories from the Deschutes River in Oregon and a very sore leg which he hurt over there. However, as Göran and I are true fly fishermen who don't care about pain if it comes to fly fishing for big fish, Göran could not resist to go fishing with me several times.

During his stay at the Deschutes River a short film was produced in which Göran tells a lot about his view on fishing and especially on his favourite subject - the salmon fishing. It is a really beautiful film which every single salmon fisherman should see. Although I have fished with Göran for trout and salmon several times and have spent many nights talking and discussing on strategies with him and despite of the fact that I know his way of thinking very well, it is always a pleasure listen to him. He lives with the salmon, knows them better than anybody else and speakes right from his heart if he talkes about them.

Göran is without any doubt by far the most successful Atlantik salmon fisher of our times and he tells a lot about it inbetween the lines ...

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