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The world has not seen that many persons that contributed significantly to the development of fly casting. One of these grand masters was late Roberto Pragliola. He passed away two days ago. Roberto helped thousands of fly fishers to do their first steps in fly casting and inspired them to respect mother nature and his beloved creatures, the trout and graylings of our rivers and streams.

Roberto developed a very special technique for delivering tiny dry flies with high precision and speed to spots many people would think are impossible to reach. A style is an interpretation of an existing technique but as soon as tackle and casting create a unit and are used in a way that had not been there before, we speak about a technique. In 1976 Roberto started creating his very special technique which he named T.L.T. (technico di lancio totale). In 1981 he began to spread it outside Italy. Meanwhile TLT and its casts are used by many fly fishers around the world. TLT is IMHO the most complete technique to fish a dry fly, although it is quite difficult to learn for very beginners as speed and precision meet, which is really demanding.

Roberto founded the fishing magazine Mosca & Spinning and later the Italian Fly Fishing School SIM (scuola italiana mosca). Many Italians followed his approach and founded fly fishing schools and their interpretations of TLT, too. However, if it came to discussions about TLT there was only one person everyone listened to and agreed with – and that was Roberto. His latest project was the TLT Academy which became quite active within the recent years.

His books Il pescatore con la mosca, Trote & mosche in acque veloci and Magie sull aqua are his legacy for future generations of fly fishers. So is his interview in PIPAM.

When I founded FFF-Europe the European fly casting instructor certification programme I contacted Roberto to ask for his support. Roberto was with us since and in 2006 after FFF-E was turned into the European Fly Fishing Association (EFFA) Roberto was awarded EFFA Honorary Life Membership for his important contributions to the development of fly casting and fly fishing. Roberto joined several EFFA events and exams. We all loved his friendly character and had great fun together. He was happy being a member of the EFFA fly fishing family.

I loved every single minute we shared, speaking about fly casting and our beloved waters. It was a pleasure to discuss with him.

Roberto, we will miss you! Rest in peace my friend!



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