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Fliegenfischen in Irland

Fly Fishing Ireland

I was working in Ireland some years ago and have spent hundreds of hours at the shores and banks of Irish waters during my appr. 15 fishing trips to the Green Island. So I decided to add some nice pictures and a link to the best Irish fishing site. Have fun!


The Central Fisheries Board

North Western Regional Fisheries Board

The Central Fisheries Board Fishing Ireland - angling update
Blackwater Salmon Fishing

In the interest of conserving pike stocks and maintaining product quality, the following laws have been introduced:

The use of live fish as bait is prohibited.

It is illegal to fish with more than two rods.

It is illegal to transfer live roach from one water to another.

An additional bye-law introduced in 1990 prohibits: The taking and killing by any person of more than one pike on any day.

The taking and killing by any person of any pike exceeding 6.6 lbs. (3.0 kgs.) in weight.

Any person having in his possession more than one dead whole pike, or alternatively, more than 3.3 lbs   (1.5 kgs) weight of pike flesh or parts.

The above mentioned prohibitions do not apply to specimen pike (as defined in the bye-law) provided only one such pike is taken and killed by any person on any one day and that only one such pike, in whole and ungutted form, is in the possession of any person.

files/ffi/pictures/flags/wde.gifFolgende Gesetze wurden zum Schutz unserer Hecht und Weißfisch-Bestände erlassen.  
files/ffi/pictures/flags/wfr.gifLes lois suivantes ont été adoptées afin de conserver nos stocks de brochets et poissons communs.  
files/ffi/pictures/flags/whu.gifA következo törvényeket terjesztették elo a csukánk és édesvízi halunk készleteihez való megorzéséhez.
files/ffi/pictures/flags/PO.gifNinsze przepisy zostaly ustalone w celu ochrony naszych szczupaków i ryb slodkowodnych.
files/ffi/pictures/flags/wru.gifСледующие законы были изданы для охраны запасов щуки и пресноводной рыбы.
files/ffi/pictures/flags/wlv.gifLai aizsargatu musu lidaku un saldudens zivju krajumus, ir ieviesti sekojoši normativie akti.
files/ffi/pictures/flags/lit.jpgSiekiant išsaugoti lydeku ir versliniu žuvu atsargas buvo priimti žemiau išvardinti istatymai.

Copyright © Günter Feuerstein